Frequently Asked Questions

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CANCAN Diagnostics

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Based in Edinburgh and spun out from the University of Edinburgh in September 2022, CanCan Diagnostics specialises in innovative veterinary health solutions. Our flagship product, the K9-LiquiDx™, launched in Q1 2024, is a next-generation sequencing-based liquid biopsy panel designed to enhance the diagnosis and monitoring of canine cancer.

K9-LiquiDx™ is a minimally invasive test that provides fast, accurate, and precise monitoring of canine cancer. It raises the standard of veterinary care and offers peace of mind to pet owners by aiding vets in their diagnosis and ongoing management of this disease.

CanCan Diagnostics holds a valid permit approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities for collecting and processing canine blood samples. This permit ensures compliance with health and safety standards and is renewed periodically to reflect our commitment to upholding these standards.

Yes, cell-free DNA circulates in small amounts in all dogs as it is released into the bloodstream when cells naturally die. Its levels increase with age, injuries, surgeries, and inflammatory conditions, and can rise significantly in dogs with cancer due to accelerated cell turnover.

No, the K9-LiquiDx™ test analyses cell-free DNA in your dog’s bloodstream to help veterinarians confirm cancer diagnoses, monitor disease progression, and detect early relapse through a simple blood draw.

The testing process is straightforward:

  1. A veterinarian collects 5-9ml of blood from the dog.
  2. The sample is gently mixed and secured in a shipping container.
  3. The sample is sent to our lab where DNA is isolated and sequenced.
  4. Results are reported back to the veterinarian through a secure portal.

No fasting is required before the sample collection. The test can be performed whether the dog has eaten or not, making it convenient and stress-free.

The K9-LiquiDx™ test is designed to be administered by a licenced veterinarian to ensure the sample is collected and handled properly, maintaining the integrity of the results.

No, samples from public biobanks are generally not suitable for this test due to potential contamination with white blood cells, which can affect the analysis of cell-free DNA.

We collect details like age, breed, and medical history to calibrate the test accurately. This information helps adjust for factors that might influence the levels of cell-free DNA, such as age or certain health conditions.

Our laboratory strives to process samples and return results within 10-15 working days, providing timely information for critical healthcare decisions.

Results are delivered to your veterinarian via a secure vet portal, including detailed findings and actionable recommendations for treatment or further testing.

K9-LiquiDx™ is a highly sensitive test capable of detecting specific cancer biomarkers at various stages of the disease, aiding in early detection and monitoring.

Pricing for the K9-LiquiDx™ test starts at £500, varying based on the level of diagnostic detail required. This cost reflects the sophisticated technology and detailed analysis provided.

The K9-LiquiDx™ test can be performed at any age. It is particularly useful for aiding in the diagnosis of cancer, monitoring disease progression, or detecting relapse in at-risk dogs.

Early detection is crucial as it allows for the earliest possible intervention, which can significantly improve treatment outcomes and enhance quality of life.

Unlike many traditional tests that require invasive tissue samples, K9-LiquiDx™ uses a simple blood draw to assess cancer, making it less stressful for the dog and more convenient for the owner.

Only licensed veterinarians can order the K9-LiquiDx™ test to ensure it is used as part of a comprehensive veterinary care program.

While K9-LiquiDx™ is designed to detect a broad spectrum of canine cancers, its effectiveness may vary by cancer type and stage. It should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic evaluations.

Consult with your veterinarian for a detailed assessment and to discuss potential treatment options based on the comprehensive diagnostic profile provided by K9-LiquiDx™.

Coverage will depend on your individual pet insurance policy. We recommend contacting your provider to confirm if the test is included in your plan.

The test involves a routine blood draw, which is generally low-risk and similar to procedures performed during annual check-ups.

Your veterinarian will interpret the results and recommend next steps, which may include further diagnostics or treatment strategies.

Yes, it is especially beneficial for breeds at high risk for cancer, facilitating early detection and timely intervention.

The frequency of testing should be guided by your veterinarian based on the dog’s health status, cancer risk, and previous test results.

Liquid biopsies offer significant environmental benefits over traditional diagnostic methods that require general anaesthesia:

  1. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Many general anaesthetics, such as sevoflurane and isoflurane, are potent greenhouse gases. Isoflurane, for example, has a global warming potential (GWP) approximately 1,540 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. By utilising liquid biopsies, which often require no or only local anaesthesia, CanCan Diagnostics helps significantly reduce the emission of these harmful gases.
  2. Decreased Chemical Waste: General anaesthetics need to be carefully handled and disposed of due to their chemical composition and potential environmental toxicity. Liquid biopsies can help to minimise the need for these chemicals, thereby reducing the risks associated with their disposal and the potential for environmental contamination.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Procedures that require general anaesthesia often need support systems such as ventilation and temperature regulation, which are energy-intensive. By minimising the use of general anaesthesia, CanCan Diagnostics helps conserve energy in veterinary facilities.

Minimising the use of general anaesthesia can significantly reduce the operational demands of veterinary procedures. These procedures typically require various support systems, including active temperature regulation and ventilation, all of which are energy intensive. By using liquid biopsies, which generally bypass the need for general anaesthesia, veterinary practices can reduce their energy usage and thus lower their carbon footprint.

CanCan Diagnostics is committed to sustainability as a core value. We aim to integrate environmentally responsible practices throughout our operations. One example of our commitment is our sample postage packs, which are made from fully recyclable cardboard, minimising waste and promoting recycling.

At CanCan Diagnostics, we believe that caring for pets should not come at a significant cost to our planet. By implementing sustainable practices, we contribute to a healthier environment, which ultimately benefits both pets and their owners. Our commitment to sustainability is embedded in our mission to innovate veterinary care with minimal environmental impact.

We are continuously exploring additional ways to enhance our sustainability. This includes researching biodegradable materials for more product components and improving our operational efficiency to further reduce our environmental impact. Our goal is to lead by example in the veterinary diagnostic industry by adopting and developing new, more sustainable practices.